Saturday, August 17, 2013

How Good is the Good News? Pt 1

How good is the Good News?

That's what the word Gospel literally means, Good News. It comes from the Greek word evangelion and it's meaning is "a reward for good tidings". It's an interesting translation, especially when you consider how we always use it today. Just the word Gospel indicates a reward, and a good one at that, but how good is it?

What is our reward?

What are we being rewarded for?

These are all questions that when I quickly think about it, I think we all should be able to answer them very quickly and easily, but when I think a little deeper and dig a little deeper, I wonder, can we really?

How many of us really know the reward we have in Christ?

How many of us actually have looked to see what exactly the Bible tells us that reward is?

How many of us have just accepted what we've been told the Good News is, and have been content with that?

Don't get me wrong, I don't want it to sound like I'm bashing people who haven't studied the Bible for themselves, not a lot of people get the gift of being able to set aside a large amount of time to study the Word in depth, I just think that this is something that we don't ever look closely enough at and just sit back and accept what we're told about it. I know I did for many years. But an amazing thing happened when I started to look a little closer. I realized that I didn't have it all figured out (who woulda thought eh? lol), and I realized that I may have missed a huge part of what the Gospel really is.

So what is the Gospel? Most would probably say that it is the Truth that Jesus came down from heaven and became a man and died for our sins so that we could go to heaven when we die. That's probably what I would have said in the past, it's a pretty basic belief that most Christians have. The problem is, that's not the full Gospel. That's just what we've been using to tell people why they should believe in Jesus, so that they can go to heaven instead of hell. Essentially, fire insurance for when we die. But that's not the real point. If that's the whole point and we're saved by grace through believing that Jesus died for our sins, then what is the point of our entire lives?

If it's all about getting out of here and getting to heaven, then why do we have to spend so many years here?

We know that we don't earn our salvation, so if our salvation is just about going and being in heaven, then why can't we just drop dead once we start to believe? It'd be a lot easier and a lot less painful.

Some may say our purpose is so that we can convince others to believe too so that they can escape with us, but is that all there is? Can't God just save them all without us? There's gotta be more to life than just that or else we're just God's mere workers getting him more workers so that He can fill up His house, and that doesn't sound like abundant life to me.

I don't want this post to go too long, since I actually want people to want to read this, so I'll just end here and leave you with this "primer" I guess we could call it.

I must say, I don't want anybody to think that I have it all figured out, because even I don't think that, and I don't want you to think that I'm trying to take anything away from the Gospel, because that's the opposite of what I'm doing. I just want to spend some time looking at what the Gospel is, according to the Bible, not according to what I've been told growing up. It's something that I've been wrestling with for the last couple years, and I'm hoping that by reading my posts you'll spend some time wrestling with it too. Sometimes we need to step back, forget what we think we know, and look at the Word with fresh eyes, the eyes of a child, so that we can really see what it says rather than only seeing what we think it says.

So please, bear with me. I don't know how many posts this will comprise of, or how long it will take, but I hope and pray that you will journey with me and I hope that it will challenge you and encourage you and excite you, because I know that that is what's been happening to me as I've journeyed through this so far.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Welcome to Kingdom Thinking

Write a blog post....

I don't want to

Write a blog post....

I don't know what to write

Write a blog post....

What if nobody likes it

Write a blog post....


This is a glimpse of what has been going on in my head for the last little while. I've been thinking of writing blog posts and have even felt God give me some good things to write, but haven't actually stepped out and written one. I guess it feels like one thing to write about what's happening in my life and a completely different thing to write about what's going on in my head and/or in my heart. Part of me is excited to share some of my thoughts and revelations, but the other part of me is dreading it and wishing I didn't say that I was going to repurpose this blog and had just let it die. But I guess that's one of the reasons why I made that last post, so that it would force me to finally start sharing some of my thoughts rather than just updating people on what's going on in my life.

The idea of starting a blog to share about what God had been speaking to me came to me even before I decided to leave Canada and join YWAM. I still remember sitting in my car driving home from my job in Woodstock, having a great time just hanging out with God and reflecting on things with him, when I got the idea of creating a blog to share some of these reflections with others. At first I thought it was an awesome idea; what a great way to share with people some of the things God is teaching me, who knows, it may end up helping or encouraging some people, but after I thought about it for a while I let my cynical side kick in and started thinking, who's gonna care what you think? what kind of great things are you really going to be able to share with people? and things like that. So I quickly threw away that idea and decided that because I don't think I'm a very good writer and I tend to struggle getting my thoughts down on paper (or computer in this case), that it would be a stupid idea to try and share them with others. What do I know anyways?

Now, I've realized that as a son of God and someone who He's decided to use as a teacher of His Word, He has given me some good things to share with others. Anytime we spend time walking with Him, He brings revelation to us, and although sometimes that revelation is only meaningful for us, other times that revelation could be exactly what someone needed to hear. So I've decided that I'm done listening to the lies that the devil has been whispering into my ear and instead I'll listen to the Truth that Father has been speaking clearly to me for some time, but that I've just been too afraid and self conscious to listen to.

So I've decided to fully embrace this idea of blogging and if I lose all my followers and nobody wants to read what I have to say and think, then that's fine, I'm not gonna do this for all of you, I'm gonna do this for me and for my Father who wants to hear what I have to say and wants me to share it with whoever wants to read it. That is why I've decided to rebrand my blog under a different name and new look and to use it to share what I believe is on Father's heart. I'm not sure how often I will post, but I'm gonna try and do it regularly, and I plan on posting my first real post in the next week or so.

Thanks for following my blog, and I hope you enjoy the shift of focus. If you don't, you can always go to my and Grace's blog at


Monday, June 24, 2013


Well in case you don't know, I've moved into a very new chapter in my life of being a married man, and as we all know, when you get married, things change. Like a lot. Big time. lol. Thankfully, they are good changes and although some of them can be tough, they've been amazing and a blessing and I am so thankful to God for bringing those changes into my life.

One of these changes is that I am now changing how I blog from now on. Grace and I have created a new blog at (notice the east meets west kinda vibe there....we're clever), which is where we'll be posting short updates on what we're doing and how we're doing and such. Rather than be redundant and post updates on both this blog and our new one, I've decided that I would repurpose this blog to focus more on things that I'm learning or things that God's been showing me or just random things that I think about when I'm lying in bed and can't sleep and am trying not to wake up my wife. lol

So ya, go on over to our new website (again it's and sign up to follow our blog via email, but still keep an eye on this blog if you want to get a glimpse of what's going on inside of my head.....if you dare....haha.

Hope you're all doing well. Grace and I are doing great. Just got back to Malaysia 2 weeks ago, and if ya want to hear more, then head over to our new blog.

Bless you!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A brief update from my hotel room in Thailand

Kata Noi - One of the beaches near where we are staying.

Well it has been quite some time since I have posted anything on here, and quite a lot has happened since then.

For those of you who haven't heard from or about me for a while, I am sorry (yet again). It has been a very eventful start to the year to say the least. I have gone from my home in Oxford, NZ to spend time in Queenstown, NZ, then to finally meet back up with Grace in Melbourne, Australia for a few weeks before we travelled to Malaysia and then Singapore while doing everything we could to try and get Grace's Canadian visa settled before we flew out. Unfortunately we weren't able to so I had to fly to Canada without her (but with her father), but thankfully God came through in the nick of time (as we knew He would) and got her over to Canada with a week to spare before our wedding. We then spent 2 months in Ontario visiting family and friends before flying back to Malaysia for a few days and then on to Thailand for 3 weeks.

And that is where you catch up with me now as I sit in my hotel room in Phuket, Thailand looking out at the Andaman Sea. It has been quite a journey for Grace and I these last 5-6 months (not to mention the previous 11 months, of which we were separated for 9), but it has been an amazing time of discovering each other and what it means to be together as well as discovering more about God and His faithfulness to us and of His plan for us.

We originally came to Thailand a little over 2 weeks ago and spent 9 days in Chiang Mai in the northern part of the country to attend the call2all congress and the YWAM Asia Pacific gathering. This time was an amazing gift from God and He really refined more of our vision for the future as well as giving us things to think about for the present and for when we return to Oxford in September. I feel very privileged to have been able to attend these gatherings and to be able to hear about what God is doing in Asia and beyond to reach the unreached as well as to use those who know Him. I've come away from this week just amazed at how good God is and amazed at how He wants to use me and Grace (and everybody really) to make His name known to all nations and to show people how loving and caring and awesome their true Father is. God is so good and as I think over these last couple weeks here and over the last year or two or three even, my heart just continues to overflow with love and joy and appreciation for the amazing Father that I have in Him.

So now we are down in Phuket relaxing and having a great time being on our own (we had been staying with my parents for the 2 months in Canada and will stay with Grace's parents for the next 3 months) and enjoying God's beautiful creation; continually being amazed with how good He is to us to give us this time to relax and recharge before another busy time planning for another wedding celebration as well as planning for a teaching that I will be doing in August, which will be the first time I've been invited to speak at a base other than my own.

We have been very blessed in these last few months and we know that God will continue to bless us and grow us as we prepare to start our new life in New Zealand. I will try to be more diligent in my communication in the future (with the help of my darling wife, who is WAY more organized and better at these things with me), and we will be sending out our first combined newsletter as the new Mr and Mrs Matt and Grace Stelpstra soon.

Blessings to all of you.