Saturday, May 12, 2012

Finally Made it Home!!

Well, it's been a long time coming and I've been greatly anticipating it for the last 8 months or so, but I've finally returned back home to New Zealand! I arrived in Christchurch on Friday morning and have started getting settled into my new home in Oxford.

My first couple days here have been a little uneventful since my body apparently thought it was a good idea to get sick on my way to the airport to fly here, so I've been battling a cold the last couple days. Thankfully jetlag hasn't seemed to hit me at all. I was able to start changing my clock right away during my flight from LA to Auckland, so I've had a couple nice full nights of sleep, going to bed and getting up at a normal time. Hopefully my cold will go away soon and I'll be right ready to jump right in and start preparing for the school on Monday.

I also was able to go home to Canada for a month before this, which was an amazing time. I was actually able to get some rest and relaxation while I was home, and I got to spend a lot of time with my family and friends. It was a gift from God to be able to go home for a full month and see everybody. I also got a chance to speak at my church while I was home, and from what I hear, it seemed to touch people's hearts, which is a blessing to know.

I'm now gearing up to go full speed into planning the Bible Core Course that I will be leading, which starts on June 24. There is a lot of work to be done in the next month and a half, but God has put me into a great situation since the former school leaders are here to help me plan and help me learn how to lead a school, and I am 100% confident that He will help me do what He has called me to do and that it will be a blessing to me and my students.

I currently have about 7 students set to do the course, which is awesome, but I'm still all alone on this, so I'm hoping and praying that God will send me someone to staff my school with me (so if you've ever done a BCC or SBS and don't have anything to do in June, drop me a line because I WANT YOU!! lol).

I am so excited to finally be here and to start preparing for these next few years of my life at my new home here. I will have to write more of an update later once I'm all settled in and have been able to learn more about the base and about the school and everything. I'll also have to take a picture of the beautiful view we have from our base and of my new family here (although we will be a small family at first since everybody left for outreach today).

Thanks for reading, I hope and pray you are all well.

God bless

Prayer requests:

- That God will guide me and Roger and Julie (the former leaders) as we prepare for the school
- That God will continue to call students to come and study the bible with us at the school
- That God will send me a staff to help me run this course (HUGE need)
- That God will be with Grace and I as we continue to adjust to living apart
- That God will be with Grace as she continues her outreach in India and soon in Warburton, Western Australia